er... Hey John?

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by FoResT » Tue Jun 01, 2010 3:19 pm

Thank you so much.

(i apologize if i insulted the solaris in anyway :oops: )

by John Bowen » Tue Jun 01, 2010 2:51 pm


The Solaris is definitely not a 'beginner's synth....there's over 1000 parameters to play with, and I would have to say, it can be a bit daunting at first. Not to mention - there's a big price difference between it and the DSI mopho!! I think you would do fine starting with the mopho, or even something like Tom Oberheim's resurrected SEM synth (since your dad is pushing for an Oberheim). These sound just like they did "back in the day...", which is to say, really great!:

John B.

er... Hey John?

by FoResT » Tue Jun 01, 2010 2:11 pm

I'm gonna cut to the chase here, I'm totally new to synthesizers and would like to purchase my first unit. My dad's been pushing for me to get an Oberheim but i haven't seen any on craigslist OR ebay...
I've come across the solaris and so far I'm loving everything about it , But...would you consider it beginner friendly? or should i run and grab the DSI mopho? (which seems beginner friendly but I'm not entirely sure...

I'm sure you and the other members of this forum get this all of the time and i apologize for rehashing an overdone topic.

(I should probably say that I've tried some softsynths but I find them...frustrating...)
