Strange behaviour re. modulation OSCs 2,3 and 4

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Little Gorilla
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Strange behaviour re. modulation OSCs 2,3 and 4

Post by Little Gorilla »

Hello - please could someone tell me what, if anything, I'm doing wrong here.

Start off with an "INIT" patch. So - you get an oscillator and choose a source to modulate it with - e.g. source 1. Set the source as an LFO - let's keep it simple and say LFO1. Have destination as "Off". Set amount to, say, 20%. It can be observed that destination settings "Lin FM" and "Shape" are also now 20%. You can change the amount value for any of those three destination settings - Off, Lin FM and Shape and the other two will also acquire that value. All the time the amount value for destination value "Pitch" will stay at whatever you set it. So if you had it at zero then no matter what you do to the amount values for the OTHER destination settings, it will remain at zero. Well, OK - to be honest that seems a little odd. I would have thought that changing the amount value for one destination setting should only affect that and not the others but perhaps it's the way that it is for a good reason that I don't understand.

However...try this out on any oscillator APART from OSC 1. Start off by setting the destination to "Pitch" and the amount to zero. Now if you change, for example. the destination to "Shape" and set the amount value to 30 you will hear the effect of that - assuming that the oscillator is of a type where the shape parameter is intended to make a difference! Now change the destination back to "Pitch". The amount is still zero - ON THE SCREEN. But you will hear that the pitch is now being modulated. Not quite right then. It isn't being modulated by an amount of 30, you can hear that, so it isn't just following the amount set for the "Shape" destination. It's sounds like an amount of 3 or 4 - something like that. (If you set a much bigger amount for "Shape" then the unwanted pitch modulation will increase, but it will not be anywhere near the :Shape"amount). Well that's not right, is it. Anyway, if you then set the amount back to zero - which means moving the encoder so that the value goes from zero to some other value and then back to zero - then the pitch modulation is gone.Good. Now try setting the destination back to "Shape". It will still read 30 but there's no effect! Change it to 31 and then back to 30 and you have your shape modulation back. Go back to destination "Pitch" and...that pitch modulation is back even though it shouldn't be, as explained above. And so it goes on.

As I say, it doesn't happen on OSC 1 but it does on the others. It's probably me being stupid somehow but, if so, what am I dong wrong? Can anyone help, confirm, advise etc. Thanks very much.
Patate le mgae
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Re: Strange behaviour re. modulation OSCs 2,3 and 4

Post by Patate le mgae »

Yes little Gorilla,
i've noticed this strange behavior, not the first one wich seems normal to me, but the second one wich look like a sort of bug.
I say "sort of" because in fact this bug doesn't seem important for sound designing : we have four sources of modulation for each vco, and each of them can only be assign to one path. ( that's why the first one seems normal to me ).
But i recognize it can be a little disturbing and it can generate big mistake when designing sound if we are not perfectly focus.
The same comportment can be notice on VCF 2,3,4
Little Gorilla
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Re: Strange behaviour re. modulation OSCs 2,3 and 4

Post by Little Gorilla »

Hello - thanks for replying. I completely agree with you - it does not cause problems but it gives you another thing to look for! I hadn't noticed same thing with the VCFs but I shall look out for it now.
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Re: Strange behaviour re. modulation OSCs 2,3 and 4

Post by Zahush76 »

Patate le mgae wrote:... we have four sources of modulation for each vco...
The same comportment can be notice on VCF 2,3,4
... good one.

Anyway, i still didn't get mine - but the problem described here worries me a bit.
Little Gorilla
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Re: Strange behaviour re. modulation OSCs 2,3 and 4

Post by Little Gorilla »

Hi Zahush 76. It's really not a big worry - everything works and it's easy to understand the very slightly odd behaviour.
Little Gorilla
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Re: Strange behaviour re. modulation OSCs 2,3 and 4

Post by Little Gorilla »

When I say "everything" I mean everything in this tiny corner of the massive, wondrous thing that is the Solaris.
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Re: Strange behaviour re. modulation OSCs 2,3 and 4

Post by Zahush76 »

Little Gorilla wrote:Hi Zahush 76. It's really not a big worry - everything works and it's easy to understand the very slightly odd behaviour.
Ok. I just didn't understand if what you described was a bug - or "normal" Solaris behavior.
Patate le mgae
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Re: Strange behaviour re. modulation OSCs 2,3 and 4

Post by Patate le mgae »

It is probably a bug, but with very little consequences, don't be worry, the solaris is the marvellous synth.
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Re: Strange behaviour re. modulation OSCs 2,3 and 4

Post by Zahush76 »

Well, if it's a bug - perhaps John could chime in?
Patate le mgae
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Re: Strange behaviour re. modulation OSCs 2,3 and 4

Post by Patate le mgae »

Yes, if it's a bug, it won't be difficult to repair.
John Bowen
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Re: Strange behaviour re. modulation OSCs 2,3 and 4

Post by John Bowen »

Hi Guys,

Yes, you found a small bug! Thanks!!!
The normal operation is that, when you change the modulation destination for the oscillators, filters, or LFOs, the Source Amount changes the unit of measurement from % to semi-tone amounts. This makes sense, because what does an amount of semi-tones mean for Shape or Resonance or Level? And when you change destinations, the code is suppose to remember the appropriate amount you've set for either measurement as you change destinations back and forth. However, it seems the Amount value is not always cleared internally to match what the display is showing you, especially when you have a Destination of None to start with, and you adjust the Mod Amount first. I found this to be true for Oscs, LFOs, and Filters, so thanks for finding this!

I'll move it to the Bug Report section....
John Bowen
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Re: Strange behaviour re. modulation OSCs 2,3 and 4

Post by John Bowen »

This has now been fixed in the next coming release, v1.3.1
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