Ribbon - default to pitch bend

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Ribbon - default to pitch bend

Post by Neotrope »

was noting that ribbon "does nothing" on majority of factory patches (bank one, two); and it would be nice to have it "default" to pitch bend, ala the ribbon on my Kurzweil ... this is generally assumed behavior for the ribbon on any syth, but for most patches on the SOLARIS (e.g., the JB patches), it does nothing at all.

A toggle on/off would be useful if the always on isn't possible (perhaps it's there and I haven't gotten that deep yet ... I've only turned the thing on 4x so far, and one of those was to make sure it survived shipment)...

When active, I'm presuming it also transmits the pitch MIDI CC for use as controller, and recording to DAW, but if not then that would be a needed item.

I have so much MIDI gear it would warp your soul.

I am the CEO of Neotrope® and am also the editor at MusicIndustryNewswire.com and have been a music journalist and MIDI guru since 1984 (ie since MIDI existed).
John Bowen
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Re: Ribbon - default to pitch bend

Post by John Bowen »


What I did do was make the INIT patch have ribbon to pitch as a default. For some of the programmers, the ribbon controller was not functioning when they had the prototype to make presets, and it’s more a matter of laziness that I didn’t go through each and every patch to set the ribbon to do something. I apologize for that, and I’ll try to get that changed in the future.

RE: MIDI Pitch CC - since the ribbon is completely freely assignable, I’m sure it does NOT send out the pitch CC!! That would certainly be a problem where you have a sequenced pitch bend with something else happening using the ribbon. In fact, I’m pretty sure the ribbon is internal only, and does not send out any MIDI CC. We can take a look at that for a future update.

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Location: Redondo Beach, California

Re: Ribbon - default to pitch bend

Post by Neotrope »

thanks! Obviously being able to send midi data from the ribbon is useful for "recording" the performance for later editing in the DAW, so hopefully for the future that would have menu item to specify "send cc" vs "local only" - ideal for us "use it as a controller out to DAW back to keyboard for control" folk. And an update to the patches with the default set to pitch if nothing else would be super groovy.
I have so much MIDI gear it would warp your soul.

I am the CEO of Neotrope® and am also the editor at MusicIndustryNewswire.com and have been a music journalist and MIDI guru since 1984 (ie since MIDI existed).
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