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Glide time modulation and channel FX

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2019 10:52 am
by JoPo
I maybe wrong (I play a Solaris since only 5 days !) but it seems to be impossible to modify easily the glide time parameter. The one on the home page, not in the oscillators (which seems to not be modulable either).
When playing a synth solo, I love to often modify the legato glide time. And in the Solaris, I don't know how to do. I'm surprise to notice it's not possible in the Solaris.
I tried to make a 'translator' midi cc --> sysex in Bome Translator but the glide time value is made with 3 bytes, it passes over my knowledge...

Maybe there is an easy way to change the glide time and if there is one, please, give me the info ! :)
If there is no, I put it on the top of my feature request list !

Re: Glide time modulation and channel FX

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2019 11:16 am
by JoPo
The other parameters I'd like to modulate without finding the way are in the channel FXs, like the wet delay or if one can set them in parallel, their inputs or send parameter.
Thanks for any info/advice/explanation !

Re: Glide time modulation and channel FX

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2019 1:25 am
by John Bowen
Hi JoPo,

To answer quickly - you cannot modulate these parameters. For the Glide Time, I will see if it is possible and add it to the feature request list. For the Master FX - as these are handled separately from the voice/synth DSP, there is no modulation possible from the voice code to the FX code. The Master FX are handled after the voice code is summed, and only the final audio signal is passed along in stereo.

What controllers would you use to modulate the FX?

Re: Glide time modulation and channel FX

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2019 6:44 am
by JoPo
I think in FX's, the most useful would be to control the delay input gain (But it doesn't exists in the delay !) or at least its wet parameter. With any CC or better : all the Solaris modulation panoply ! For the other FX, modulating EQ parameters would be great ! Gain and frequency, again with any of Solaris modulation but if I get it well, it's not possible..? Or at least with midi CC's ? :mrgreen:
On a bass sound, I often modulate its eq according to which note it's playing, it gives very good results ! But it has to be modulate in time. Anyway...
For the chorus/flanger and the phaser, I'm not sure it's very useful.
And for the glide, usually, the CC5 is for the portamento time.

Re: Glide time modulation and channel FX

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2019 8:30 am
by JoPo
Right now, I had the idea to launch the delay in the FX channel 2, in order to try to have the delay in parallel. I checked if the FX channel does appear in the mixer section inputs and if it does, I could modulate this mixer input gain and this mixer channel would become my send to delay parameter. But no, it doesn't.
I think I mistaked the "insert FX post filter" with the FX channel in the Solaris Signal Path, figure 25. In fact, in that figure, it the "global effects" square that is the "channel FX" or "FXchan", right ? And the "insert FX pre OR post filter" are the same insert FX with distorse, decimator & bit chopper, is that it ?
So, there is no possible modification in the signal pass after the "global effects" square and no way to set up a 'send delay' path.

Anyway, that doesn't matter that much.

Modulating EQ gain & frequency parameter would be more important ! But that could be done, perhaps, in an easier way by adding EQ filters types in the filter list ?

I'm very sorry if all those subject have already been discussed ! (Which, I guess, have certainly been !) :oops: :mrgreen:

Re: Glide time modulation and channel FX

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2019 12:43 pm
by John Bowen
Let’s check with Jim (minorguy) about midi CC implementation.