Failed Attempts At Guitar Feedback

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Failed Attempts At Guitar Feedback

Post by scope4live »

Due to lack of programming skills, I failed at trying to create some feedback stuff w/ Rotor and the Tube Filter.
Maybe next time.
But just listen to a single key press which plays the entire Filter cycle w/o the Guitar WAV.
There are some excellent timbres in there if I could just get them to place where I want better.
My Sample Oscillator Guitar WAV is from the Ensoniq Mirage and sounds really good if you are going for the Santana sound.
I was hoping to use a MIDI CC for an expression pedal where I could bleed in the feedback and blend where I wanted the effect. On the Mirage my ModWheel blended in the feedback sample.
Maybe this weekend I will have it down.
That way I can play it through a new BETA of a reverse looping delay for Scope. It is amazing. One only needs to adjust the timing of his licks by a dotted quarter note ( app. 2 beats ) and VOILA !

I have the licks down from Hendrix's Cry Of Love album w/ the new looper and it's pissing off my Guitarist.

The Tube Filter is impressive none the less. :D
Last edited by scope4live on Thu Oct 23, 2008 3:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
Magnus C350 on a TV Dinner Tray Stand with 2 x PigNose Amps for stereo
John Bowen
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Post by John Bowen »


Just program the Mod Wheel to affect the volume of the mixer input with the feedback sample! Each Mixer can have all inputs (and its final output) modulated by anything on the Mod Source list.

john b.
Posts: 546
Joined: Tue Mar 04, 2008 4:19 pm
Location: Somewhere between 120 and 150bpm

Post by scope4live »

I shall try that Thanks.
As usual you have so many new features w/ the new GUI I am somewhat overwhelmed still.
I am trying out multiple Sample Oscillators too in hopes of crossfading to a feedback sample via ModWheel just like the Mirage did back in '84.
I was distracted by the Tube Filter cycle so much I couldn't stay focused.
The sound is awesome.

BTW in version 5.0 Benoist's Presets are sick as usual.
And as usual your assistance and customer service are fast as greased lightnining.
I should rephrase that.
Customer service is never needed, as your products function 100%.
Your Customer Assistance is what I should call it.

Thanks to you I forgot I am waiting for my new Solaris and XITE-1

Hopefully all of the hard work I have down with your software will pay off when the Big FAT BASTARD is finsished. :wink:

The truth is that Solaris has no limits and whoever buys the hardware synth will find that just when he or she thinks they have experimented w/ all of its possibilities, an upgrade will come that will make you go woodshed all over again for even more possibilities.

I personally would dread the job of writing the manual. It would take a year or so to complile.

Thanks JB. :D
Magnus C350 on a TV Dinner Tray Stand with 2 x PigNose Amps for stereo
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