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Split/ Multi Timbral mode (workaround)

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 5:08 am
by M-Prod
Hi I don't know if this is a well known trick (couldn't find anything in the forum just now), but there is a way to create a keyboard split to have 2 seperate sounds from your solaris and even play the seperate sound from an external keyboard. So it's sort of a workaround for the missing split/multi timbral mode although it is not (yet) possible to split the two sounds to seperate outputs. (All those outputs just to seperate fx..). Also the two sounds share all the modules. E.g. they both share the same EG6, Arp and since the vca volume modulation is taken by the KeyTab, you cannot assign a seperate envelope to the vca.

It's done with the keytab parameter and I found this in John Bowen's preset "JB Split Seq (@ G4)"

The way to do it is:
navigate to the keytab parameter in the graphic display (home and press more 3x, select KeyTb1 with the soft key)
press the key (e.g. E3, or #35 - Solaris uses numbers from 12 to 120 to identify the keys) below where you want the split
set the 'interpol' value to 100 Ithe label wil change from interpol to fixed)
press the key (e.g. C4 or #36)above where you want the split
set the value at 0 Ithe label wil change from interpol to fixed) - (now all upper keys will have value 0)
press a low key (use octave buttons if needed) and also change that value to 100 - (now all lower keys will have value 100)

go to vca 1 modulation source 1 and set it keytab1 and value -100
go to vca 2 modulation source 1 and set it keytab1 and value -100
go to vca 3 and set the VCALev to 0%
go to vca 4 and set the VCALev to 0%
go to vca 3 modulation source 1 and set it keytab1 and value +100
go to vca 4 modulation source 1 and set it keytab1 and value +100

(this is just an example where osc 1&2 will be assigned to the lower zone and 3&4 to he upper zone)

I created a preset "SPLIT" template with the settings above.

A cool trick is to use the octave buttons to switch wich sounds you play with your keyboard. Set the lower zone from #12 to 72 and the upper zone from 73 to 120. Adjust the pitch of the assigned oscillators accordingly and now you can play one sound with 5 octaves in the lowest octave transpose setting and the other sound with 4 octaves in the upper setting. Of course you can set an external keyboard to one of these zones and play both sounds together.

...Correction. Using extra octave ranges seems buggy so the 'cool trick' does not work. The split does not move with the keyboard range but is tied to the physical keyboard location. Since the split is set by using a note # i would expect it to move when using the octave up down buttons. Although unexpected, this is cool too though, so you can transpose both sounds while the split is retained at the keyboard (which is how a 'true' keyboard split behaves).

Well, anyway the simple split as explained above works fine though.