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MM1 / Jaws Requests

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2024 11:28 am
by djflan
Had several requests related to the 'Jaws' waveform. Perhaps they could be part of a MM2 Osc. Focused on this feature as it is critical to the type of music I produce. The existing waveform is really nice, but here is my 'wish list'.

Please note that I'm referring to any sideband wave fundamental and harmonics as a 'partial'. There are about a million names for this.

1. Increase Partial / Sawtooth Count to 9
- Matches existing synths (Virus, Spire, etc). 7 is nice, but Solaris should wear the crown or at least match the ability here.

2. Allow Finer Detuning Adjustments
- Currently, it seems impossible to apply fractional detuning.

3. Non-Linear Detuning and Adjustable Partial Roots
- Admittedly, not as high on the list, but it might be nice to to set the root of the partials.
- Ability to set detuning curves

4. Adjustable Partial Blend
- Ideally, the 'partials' or sub-sawtooth waves (sawteeth :)) can blend a certain amount with the primary osc wave

5. Partial Stereo Spread
- Highest on the wish list but seems very difficult to implement on hardware. There are a few synths that do this, but I feel like the feature would almost need to be implemented at the mixer level.

6. Ability to set partial wave shape to something other than sawtooth waves
- Some synths do this well (e.g. Reason's Europa). Yes, at a certain point everything sounds like a vacuum anyway, but used sparingly, creates some nice chorus effects with non-sawtooth waves.

Re: MM1 / Jaws Requests

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2024 11:38 am
by John Bowen
Thanks for the ideas. I’ll have to see what changes could be implemented. I will need more detail on a couple of these...