Clockdivisions in the sequensers

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Clockdivisions in the sequensers

Post by Fungitec »

Hi I'm new here.

This synth seems to be an incredible piece of art. I've just started to raise funds for it.

I have a question regarding the sequensers. According to the introduction videos from JB at the sequenser pages it seems that all sequensers is locked to the clockdivision of the first one, seqA. Is it possible to have the remaining sequensers running in different clockdivision? If not, why? As all of them is running from the same clock, it would be easy to implement...? At least you should be able to divide the rest down from the first one. This will yield a myriad of variations in sequencing stuff.

Can someone please tell me I'm an idiot who dosnt rtfm...? :) Tell me it's possible please.

I'm slowly convinced that this is the right synth for me and for my type of music. This is the first, one and only con I could find in the intro movies.

John Bowen
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Re: Clockdivisions in the sequensers

Post by John Bowen »

Welcome, and thanks for your nice comments regarding the Solaris!
While the version I made as a Scope plug-in does have separate clock divisions per sequence row, and I had specified the same for the keyboard version, this did not get implemented in the first release of the OS. It's something that's on a list of additions for a future update.

John B.
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Re: Clockdivisions in the sequensers

Post by Fungitec »

This sounds lovely!

It would also be lovely to have more steps available. Maybe 64 or some sort of chain functions. With different resets on each 4 sequencer rows this would yield an almost endless sequence with a very long cycle before repeating. Very interesting sculpting possibilities could be made with this. Would be nice but 16 steps is fine if clock division is separate.

I also couldn't see any dotted syncopated divisions in there. Also maybe for future?

Also the rows must be separated with the rests not related to the other rows.

This synthesizer is such an inspiring thing to read about. I can understand the danger in keep on adding and adding possibilities. Sooner or later the interface is cluttered with functions that only confuses you and contradict the whole idea with easy to understand GUI and hands on approach. Maybe it´s fine as it is! ;)

Love n Light n keep on rocking to ALL Solaris crew!
John Bowen
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Re: Clockdivisions in the sequensers

Post by John Bowen »

To be honest...there's a couple of iPad apps that are really good for sequencing and arpeggiating, and these give much more control (and are visually a lot easier to use). And, as it turns out, I can fit an iPad Mini in the space above the joystick over on the left side of my Solaris! :-)
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Re: Clockdivisions in the sequensers

Post by Fungitec »

You mean to run the clock from there, via MIDI? NOWAY! :)

That would ruin the timing against all the rest of my sequencing stuff in the studio. To be honest I would rather see an analogue ext clock in socket on SOLARIS rather than another MIDI device with WIFI and timing issues in the chain. Honestly I still haven't got the IPAD to run smooth against the analogue stuff yet, so I have not really investigated it much yet. To me, any iPad with clock-drivven stuff is still crap to integrate with the rest of the world. Standalone fine. But as an controller, SURE! But i TOTALY understands that the analogue clock trig in would be an big challenge to the software. Maybe not even possible as it is now. I don't know. But take a look at Bruce Duncans, (modcan) sequencer as a good inspiring example.

Thanx for reply John!
John Bowen
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Re: Clockdivisions in the sequensers

Post by John Bowen »

ah, you are talking about external clocking with analogue gear! That's a bigger challenge. I haven't tried the iPad apps with external clocks. Not sure if the Solaris would be able to have such a modification.

By the way, have you seen Elektron A4? Seems like a really well-designed box. External CV control outputs as well...
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Re: Clockdivisions in the sequensers

Post by Fungitec »

Yes the A4 seems to be a nice inspiring little box. Havent been able to try one out yet, even though I live in same city as Elektron and have friends working there. I feel it's a bit dance oriented, but as soon as I really would test one out, I'm sure I would love it anyway. The Solaris seems to be a bit more sounddesign oriented wich appeal me more. Also my analouge soundpalette is quite decent with my modulars. And Solaris would give me a new palette to work with. Wavetableish waldorf/VS-esqe digital HIFI landscapes. The rotors and wavetables together with arp and the sequencer. Mmmm... Yummy. But yeah the parameterlock sequensers of Elektron is surely an interesting approach.

You answered my wishes with implement some upgrades of clockdivisions in future firmware releases and this is good enough as the sequencer stage of the Solaris. I do not want it to be too cluttered. Seems to be really good now aswell!!

Take care and thanx for great customer support!
John Bowen
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Re: Clockdivisions in the sequensers

Post by John Bowen »

I have to say, I've always been impressed by those guys! Such a great group of young designers - I really respect what they are doing. We had a nice chat back at NAMM when they were introducing the Monomachine years ago, and I could tell they have some very talented people there.
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