Solaris as a (basic) sampler?

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Solaris as a (basic) sampler?

Post by Mefistophelees »

The solaris can play back samples and I believe that's soon to be improved.
There are also audio inputs, so how about giving it some sampling capability?

I'm not suggesting anything fancy, just basic recording capability and a way to set some basic parameters.
I'm thinking old school here, there's plenty of modern software for advanced sampling capabilities.

One thing I would like is to downsample and bit crush during the sampling process - so as to mimic old 80s samplers.
I'd also like to be able to have limited / no band limiting on playback - again, this is to mimic old samplers and especially the Amiga computer where sample noise was part of the sound!

It's just an idea, I've been watching some videos on old samplers and they certainly had their own sound - I also used to listen to a lot of music on the Amiga back in the day - it was even more distinctive playing 8 Khz / 8 bit samples with no band limiting!
John Bowen
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Re: Solaris as a (basic) sampler?

Post by John Bowen »

I will have to investigate what it would take to add a basic sampling function to the Solaris. Never say never!
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Re: Solaris as a (basic) sampler?

Post by bennethos »

Hi John, it's true that this type of capability and Lo-Finess is very marketeable at the moment. Personally it would only makes sense to me if it's an easy workflow with some visuals, normalization function, cut, slice, envelope adaptations, easy naming convention strategy, quick way to input names via a usb keyboard like an s6000 or editor.

Reading the above again makes me realize that implementing all of this is probably a lot of work and not worth it ?

In management we use strength based theory, ask yourself this question, what is the solaris great at and improve this, it will be even greater and it will be achieved more easily. don't focus on things it's not doing great today is the advice I would give you John :)
Owner of Solaris #00324
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