Announcement - new Lead DSP

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John Bowen
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Posts: 2003
Joined: Sat Apr 07, 2007 3:00 am

Announcement - new Lead DSP

Post by John Bowen »

Hi Forum Readers,

As you may have noted on the NEWS page, Sonic Core now has Klaus Piehl as the Lead DSP coder! He takes over the Solaris project as well, and I am quite excited to have Klaus. We worked together before, as he was the primary DSP coder for all the Creamware modules, including such things as the Prophet and Minimax things, so we are quite lucky to have him!

He takes over for Antti, who is no longer on the project.

Because of these changes, there has been a bit of a delay in the development for Solaris, but it is proceeding rapidly now.

I am in Germany for 2 more weeks, and hope to have more news to post in another month or so.

John b.

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