Keyboard review of the P-12

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John Bowen
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Keyboard review of the P-12

Post by John Bowen » ... nth/153080

Upon reading this, especially the section on the Oscillators, clearly the author (Francis Preve) has never seen or knows nothing about the Solaris. Much of what he/she writes about has been available in the Solaris since the beginning....

Normally I try not to let stuff like this review bother me, and I certainly don't feel it would be appropriate for me to comment on it in public, but I wouldn't mind if there are any other owners out there who want to post some comments or responses to this.

John B.

[note: this review was commented upon in the Solaris Facebook group, but that is like "preaching to the choir"....and at that time, I had not seen the actual text of the review. It is certainly a much more 'passionate' review than the one we received in Keyboard back in 2011.]
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Re: Keyboard review of the P-12

Post by jaykeel »

Keyboard Mag has their head so far up DSI's ass it's ridiculous... I wonder if it has anything to do with DSI consistently paying for a full page ad in the first few pages of their magazine... I swear, every time I get an issue of Keybord, the first thing I do is rip the DSI ad out so I don't have to see it ever time I go to read it. The best hardware synth of all time?? What balls they have writing that considering the past and present competition. IMO The P12 is CLEARLY a Solaris wanna be, or for lack of a better word "ripoff". And a poor one at that. Not to worry JB, the demos and specs for the Solaris speak for themselves... 8)
John Bowen
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Re: Keyboard review of the P-12

Post by John Bowen »

Thanks for your post, Jay. It's not a worry I feel - more of a huge frustration. Of course, Dave has a more established name and legacy, and I do think there's a fair amount of "DSI Worship" at Keyboard (and it's true, I've never paid for ads in any magazine)...but to read about the points made in the review, knowing that they obviously looked at the Solaris for some ideas - well, just frustrating is all I can say!
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Re: Keyboard review of the P-12

Post by mambajim »

Keyboard Mag is so lame. I read a section years ago by their synth "guru" explaining how Steve Millers' board man used Pulse Oscs' and a tape delay for the sound used in Fly Like An Eagle, and I came unglued as I dont care that these guys have to stoop so low for a living, but when it comes to synths, I will pounce upon any falsehoods.

It was the LFO that created the Repeat (echo) on the synths, the Hammond parts (which were classic btw) used the Roland Space Echo, and did a great job.

So the days of Jim Aikin are gone, and have been replaced by weak worshippers of KVR and whoever sponsors them.

I don't even need to read their Pravda lame ass crap, I know DSI makes great stuff, but instead of DSI I chose the XITE-1 and Solaris, could have bought lots of DSI stuff, but I would rather trust my ears than an Oscillascope or some stenographer from a magazine that can't afford to regain it's former trust.

I should send them a typed letter from my 60 year old NCR Typewriter (in case of EMP attacks) and tell them, " In regards to the DSI P-12 article, could you save some of that cock for me? "

Sorry, I am being my normal self, no shame, yet no offense to anyone here..
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Re: Keyboard review of the P-12

Post by papaZooZoo »

John, I think you should not pay attention.
One day my son asked me:
"Father, why are you having the powerful Mercedes have never taken part in street races?"
I asked him:
"Why pedigree dogs never run for mongrels?"
John Bowen
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Re: Keyboard review of the P-12

Post by John Bowen »

I didn't really mean to blast Keyboard magazine...just wanted to express some of the frustration I've been dealing with when I see reviews of this nature.
I did enjoy a comment which came to me today - "Of course Dave says the Prophet 12 is his best synth yet - he's had 2 years to study the Solaris"!! :-)
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Re: Keyboard review of the P-12

Post by jblive »

i have booth , i think the solaris is really better and the best synth , the p12 is very good but need some time and work to know how to make it sound good , so i love the solaris , and i like the "dark" sound of prophet 12 :)
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