OS 2 feature ideas

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OS 2 feature ideas

Post by spacegrace »

I’ve had a chance to play the Solaris for a few weeks now. I’m only beginning to grasp all of its possibilities and the galaxy of sounds that can be created. That said, I have thought of a few enhancements for OS 2 that would add even more flexibility and power, in my opinion:

Oscillator drift for MM, CEM and Mini types, settable per oscillator. This is the last remaining hurdle in my view to truly authentic analog recreations. DSI and Parva for starters have already adopted this.

User-loadable wavetables from the CF card to the onboard memory. The Waldorf tables are impressive but there are a lot of soft synths (Serum et. al.) that are capable of generating and exporting a wider variety of wavetables with different sonic characteristics.

Additional Insert FX. The two that come to mind are wave shaping and granular FX. Wave shaping is what gives synths like zeta+ their power, especially when modulated. Granular processing would also add a distinctive sonic palette you just can’t get from other means.

A 303-type per-step slide feature in the sequencer.

Reverb! It would be nice if there were different kinds of emulations, but any reverb would be a step up.

The multi-timbrality already announced for OS 2 will be a huge step forward. I can’t wait to see what else is in store.

John Bowen
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Re: OS 2 feature ideas

Post by John Bowen »

Hi Craig,

Fortunately, all of your points have been in the planning since the beginning. I just ran out of time/money to get the following done:

1) Reverb added
2) Oscillator Drift/analog “slop”
3) User Wavetables
4) Additional Insert FX - wave shaping (granular is a different process in my mind, thinking that we need a special Osc type for that, since it’s mostly effective with samples...but it was definitely planned)
5) The slide per step thing - I was thinking to put in a Lag per step, but since it was low on the list, we justified it by thinking there’s the lag processor, so you can run the output of the sequencer through that...but obviously, not really what you want for a per step function.

Hard to say if all of these thing can be added before the December release (that’s the current time frame), but let’s see what we can get done!

John B.
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Re: OS 2 feature ideas

Post by chapolin »

Honestly, with my personal level to use your marvelous machine, even if all is not perfect, I want to say that I use it all the days of the week with a lot of musical pleasure, during hours and hours ! Because the sound can be already perfect and so alive. It is alway a happiness.
So because of that I am not in a hurry for a new OS.
I think that maybe a very important thing is to solve the sustain a day, to be really able to play like E.Piano sounds, or wurlytzer and rhodes kind of sound (I try currently to make a kind of rhodes sound) ... and of course I dream of the multi-timbrality, you imagine 4 solaris ? .... an incredible thing ... I can say it will be 100 Christmas at the same time if it happen lol

Good courage and chance John for your work !

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Re: OS 2 feature ideas

Post by spacegrace »

Wow, John! As I should have expected, you are way ahead of the curve :). The only other potential features I can think of are:

Sequencer - a Note Tie value per step that extends the value of the previous step, allowing longer notes.

Filter FM - for a different kind of (modulatable) FM.

Compression as an insert effect - to get EDM-style pumping

After that, I am fresh out of ideas :). Agree with the idea of having an option re global default pedal assignments.

John Bowen
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Re: OS 2 feature ideas

Post by John Bowen »

Could you explain what you mean by Filter FM?
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Re: OS 2 feature ideas

Post by Endymion »

John Bowen wrote:Hi Craig,

Fortunately, all of your points have been in the planning since the beginning. I just ran out of time/money to get the following done:

1) Reverb added
2) Oscillator Drift/analog “slop”
3) User Wavetables
4) Additional Insert FX - wave shaping (granular is a different process in my mind, thinking that we need a special Osc type for that, since it’s mostly effective with samples...but it was definitely planned)
5) The slide per step thing - I was thinking to put in a Lag per step, but since it was low on the list, we justified it by thinking there’s the lag processor, so you can run the output of the sequencer through that...but obviously, not really what you want for a per step function.

Hard to say if all of these thing can be added before the December release (that’s the current time frame), but let’s see what we can get done!

John B.

If I may suggest, if money is the issue....the solaris being such a community driven project, how about setting up a Poll for a certain feature/feature set and whichever wins, there would be a donation button for the users to donate to make that feature happen? I don't know about others or what kind of money needed we're talking about; But to me throwing in a 30-50$ or however much for something I would like to see added to my all time favorite synth is definitely something I'd do!
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