Simple Audio Examples

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John Bowen
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Simple Audio Examples

Post by John Bowen »

Hi All,

I noted the requests for sound examples in the other Subject topic 'Sound Samples', and I've got quite a bit of programming to get to the point that I have sounds representative of those requests! But rest assured, I will get to them (and the Solaris is quite able to produce them). What I'd like to start with are much simpler sounds, and I've done 3 quick examples tonight to show some very specific things.

If you will excuse my 'New Age' chordal style :D , here's what I wanted to show:

1) AM example -

This is an extremely simple patch, made up of 2 oscillators, no filters, 2 envelopes, and 2 LFOs. Osc 1's amplitude is being modulated by Osc 2, whose output is shaped by an envelope. (The 2nd env is the Amp EG, of course). Since you can modulate each input of a mixer, I have a mixer with Osc 1 coming into 2 of the 4 inputs. The first input is getting modulated by Osc 2, and the second input is modulated by an LFO. Another LFO controls panning.

2) Lowpass filter with polymod -

This just because it's an old favorite of mine from the Prophet days. 2 oscillators feeding the ladder-type Lowpass 24 dB filter, with medium resonance. The filter cutoff is modulated by 2 LFOs, one of which is tracking the keyboard, while the other a very slow sweep. A third input provides an envelope to the cutoff. Again a bit of Pan modulation by another LFO.

3) Panning Modulation at audio rates -

Again, another very simple sound, using 2 oscs (sine waves), one with a slight bit of pitch EG (and no filter). The point here is to show how nicely audio rate modulation of the Pan position works - something you won't find on your typical synthesizer. As I hold down the F major chord a few bars in, I start to adjust the Coarse tuning of Osc 4, which is modulating the Pan. At first it's at -60 semitones (sub-audio range), and then I gradually (more or less!) raise it all the way up to +60 semitones. At the end, I again grab Osc 4's Coarse frequency and quickly drop it all the way back down while holding a higher chord.

The Solaris can produce very complicated things, but I wanted to start out with very basic, simple sounds. Again, I apologize for the style and performance - not an award-winning one, but at least now there's something to hear. Now that I've got the basic recording process down, I'll have to get one of those sequencing programs that everyone uses (yes, I don't have one yet!), and see what fancier things I can come up with.

john b.
Last edited by John Bowen on Mon Jun 16, 2008 10:09 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by lotus-eater »

That AM demonstration sounds lush! Keep 'em coming.
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Post by Housefly »

after hearing the second example... should i sell my poly-evolver when i get this beast? :o
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Post by B787 »

Gorgeous, it sounds superbly clean......and to think that wav file isn't nearly as pristine as the real thing. wonderful job JB

Ps: love the oscillator panning in demo 2 and 3 8)
John Bowen
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Post by John Bowen »

Yeah, there's a bit of noise in there from my computer audio board which I can hear. Not sure how it got into the recording, but the synth itself has a very clean output.

-john b.
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Post by B787 »

Will there be any consideration for algorithms which emulate warm tube amps to give a more gritty sound post filter/pre filter of course ? I know how computer audio boards can be, I use PT and still get some (0.009%) noise. again great sound.
John Bowen
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Post by John Bowen »

Klaus and I discussed saturation, and what else we might want to have in there to address this. There will be the pre/post 'insert' FX as I've mentioned, plus there's one or two other parameters that could be reworked to handle these kinds of functions. (In the software plug-in, I have a 12 dB boost following each filter, but that may be replaced with a more general saturation control, for example).

john b.
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Post by Carbon111 »

John, those really sound wonderful!

I look forward to more :)
Best Regards, James
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Post by NuSkoolTone »


Sounds nice. Very clean on the 1st, though I'd like to hear a richer version of Sample 2 for sure. I'm a BIG analog Power synth type of guy.

Regarding the 3rd example, is there a way to do the pitch modulation realtime via the knob without the stepping?

Thanks for posting these. I'm really interested in the potential of this synth!
John Bowen
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Post by John Bowen »

NuSkoolTone wrote: Regarding the 3rd example, is there a way to do the pitch modulation realtime via the knob without the stepping?
Yeah, I thought someone would mention that. :)
For this example, I had to use the Coarse Tuning control, which is stepped in semitones (you have +/- 60 semitones, or +/- 5 octaves). Probably the proper way would be to use the No Track button, which disconnects the keyboard from the oscillator, and changes the value displayed to Hertz, allowing a continuous sweep across the full frequency range, but this function isn't working yet on my prototype. :o

john b.
John Bowen
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Post by John Bowen »

I had a request for some 'bright & res-buzzy', and I was playing around with a 2 filter patch. This uses the Moog LP at 24 dB with the Obie Notch filter:
Last edited by John Bowen on Mon Jun 16, 2008 10:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by B787 »

Oh my word JB, that's gorgeous man, I love the organic sound of it all. Can't wait, now i have a reason to put off buying an Open Labs Neko.
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Post by B787 »

Hi John, Can you give us a pad with a slow filter sweep with PWm modulating the filter or some a la comb filter sounds ?

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Post by stardust »

Whenever it is possible a slow filter sweep would be nice to listen to.
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Post by B787 »

I have been following this synth for months now, and I guest the anticipation is growing amongst the synth masses for it's eminent release. There have been long hours of reading listening, comparing, guessing , projecting, even making studio space for this new beauty. I have one fundamental question after everything is said. What sounds can I make on the Solaris ?. The demos are pretty good, the sound clear yet organic. John, for me as a film composer and studio musician, can you say that the Solaris can do anything synthesis wise ? , from percussion sounds, to strings (not sampled, rather modeled) ? the basics of synth basses and leads and miscellaneous SFX are covered without doubt. I've always love Philip Glass' work, and love the experimental stuff he has done. Can i do more with the Solaris.

One may wonder why I ask such questions. When you do not live in Europe or the USA, buying a machine which will require you dishing out close to $9500.00 of your local currency one has to be sure 150% that his/her purchase will indeed deliver on specs. I have no doubt the Solaris is a wonderful machine, maybe the one of most important synthesizer in the 21st century 8) . If possible for us who will have to pull more(yes ,we have very high customs taxation on these things here) to get one, is it possible in near future, for you John to provide us with a more comprehensive set of audio demos (not complaining about the ones that are there now, they're great) which will showcase a wider range of possibilities of your Solaris synth. We await with great anticipation.

Cheers :D
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